The books I added were in preparation for a school project (all having to do with European history). None of my pleasure reading favs are included just yet. Adding books was easy—putting the title (and not even the whole title was necessary, click, and its added—tags can be added, even after the fact. The created library can be displayed numerous ways by just the click of the button...turns out I prefer style “A” which is cover (if available), title, author, date, tags, rating, comments, librarything “tools” –icons that provide site comparison/overall info on the book within the site such as how many people have the book in their library, how many comments were made about the book. There are also other viewing styles to choose. When I clicked on a book I added, I can see who else had added it, the book information, librarything recommendations based on the book itself for additional books just for me, plus member ratings & reviews of the book. Again, since my entire book collection is historical, not many reviews were made, but a few did include some. Overall, my books were not very popular book, with the exception of one. For a full experience, check out the book entitled Lives of Extraordinary Women: Rulers, Rebels (and What the Neighbors Thought)—many reviews, ratings, as well as many who have the book within their library collection.
I Loved the Zeitgeist Overview which included top tags, largest libraries, most review books, most popular books, top rated (& lowest rated) authors…and the data continues providing book lovers with the power of community information

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