The podcast delivers in a story telling mode, especially when listening to debates and various education programs. In addition, with historical speeches, the audio becomes a powerful tool to share in class…and gives more to a lesson.
The Educational Podcast Network http://www.epnweb.org/index.php was an awesome educational tool. I never imagined the resources that could be gleaned within a podcast ranging from medieval to geography.
I listened to a podcast pertaining to Napoleon. http://napoleon.thepodcastnetwork.com/2009/03/28/the-napoleon-bonaparte-podcast-50-guest-alex-mikaberidze-on-napoleon-and-alexander/
It was like having a guest professor. That is another aspect of a podcast; different viewpoints can be introduced to students. This does create a different learning experience for students.
I like your comment about using 'casts to get at differnet points of view